May 2021

Pocket Foods

sarajean's picture

For Mother's Day, I knew exactly what I wanted to eat--pocket foods! These are not Hot Pockets (though I mean no disrespect to those who enjoy them), but foods that I think of as pockets, like dumplings and ravioli. These are all my favorites. They're so fun to eat, savory and delightful. How could you not love them?

Fun Facts About Cats

sarajean's picture

As someone who has had cats all my life, it always amazes me when I learn more facts about cats. I'll never forget learning that they like to hunt and bring us food because they find us to be helpless, hairless cats! I've also heard various people speak about how our cats would definitely eat us if they were large enough, which makes me cringe. I'm not sure if I buy that one, but maybe it's just because I don't want to consider it!

Working With Resin

sarajean's picture

More and more crafters seem to be working with resins like Epoxy to create incredible pieces of art and I'm considering trying it out. I managed to work with Guerilla Glue recently when I transformed a giant mirror into a snake-covered piece so maybe I can handle a little resin.

Relaxing Reads For Summer

sarajean's picture

Summer is rapidly approaching--where I live, it already feels like summer!--and with it comes the long, heat-filled days. Many people love it but I'm not among them. One thing I do usually like about summer is the summer library reading challenge, which my family and I often get ahead on by either listening to books in the car on trips or reading a lot at home while we avoid crowds. Given that so many of our activities are online now and we aren't taking trips, we seem to have less reading time lately.

The Best Podcasts

sarajean's picture

Doesn't it feel like podcasts are the new TV? If the number of great TV programs to check out wasn't intimidating enough, now there are hundreds, if not thousands, of podcasts to listen to, many of which are great quality (while some make you wonder how they ever made it to so many listeners in the first place). The most overwhelming part of it for me is when you find a new podcast you love but there are already several seasons to listen to.

Mixing Teas

sarajean's picture

While green tea is great, when I make it at home I tend to make it way too bitter. It's probably because I forget about it and steep it for too long, which doesn't affect herbal teas nearly as much. Most black teas are even okay for me if I do that. Since I'm trying to drink more green tea, I decided to do an experiment that I'll chalk up as an epic failure this week.

Skinny Syrups Sale

sarajean's picture

If you're getting that drink cabinet ready for summer, it's a great time to stock up on Skinny Syrups. The company has a sale going on right now where you can save 20% off all syrups with the code SUMMER2021. The sale is good through Memorial Day and as always, if you spend $59 or more you also get free shipping.

Telehealth in Times of Covid

sarajean's picture

Every few weeks lately, we receive a flyer about different types of Telehealth available to us through our insurance. This is a revolutionary development that could help make services more accessible and affordable to people across the nation, and I hope it takes off. Years ago we argued for more telemedicine in a college debate and seeing it coming to fruition is exciting.

Mooning Over Poetry

sarajean's picture

The only full moon eclipse of 2021 is upon us and many people who are into astrology are making a big deal about it. It's going to be a Blood Moon, so it will look red in some regions, and it precedes Mercury going into retrograde, so it's considered a significant time. Whether you follow celestial patterns or not, you have to admit the moon looks beautiful in its many phases, and there are many poems written to celebrate it.

Student Loan Forgiveness Excluded From Budget

sarajean's picture

Most of us are pretty tired of politicians who promise change and don't deliver on their promises. Joe Biden seemed like a necessary vote last year for many of us but we also knew that we'd have to fight even harder for change to happen beneath his moderate stances. Now, after arguing for cutting student debt and ensuring free community college for all, Biden excluded student loan forgiveness from his budget, which sure makes it seem like it's no longer on the table.

Know Ya Boo: Frog Edition

sarajean's picture

There are so many couples' challenges on TikTok that friends or partners could spend months doing them all. Most are really fun and this one is no exception. The other day a video came up on my FYP that challenged viewers to see if they really know their partners by guessing which frog they liked the best out of a series of frogs!

80s Themed Workouts

sarajean's picture

As a teenager who constantly tried to lose weight and hated my body, I tried a lot of workouts and diets. I remember Sweatin' to the Oldies with Richard Simmons and while his positivity was catching, I ended up hating some of the songs just because it reminded me of hating me and wanting to change everything about me.

Have You Played Blurt?

sarajean's picture

After hearing that Blurt! was a really fun family game, I decided to order us a copy, but I'm feeling a little wary as I await its arrival. It looks like it's ages 7 and up, which could mean nothing, but I really want my teen to enjoy playing it with us. It can be challenging to find a game we all like to play these days.
